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What can be done to fight against frown and forehead lines?

How is the frown line formed? Why does it appear so early? And the lines on the forehead? What steps can be taken to get rid of them?

Here are the answers to your questions about the frown line.

Frown line: how does it appear?

The frown line forms in the space between the eyebrows, among other reasons, "due to the contraction of the muscle that allows frowning" explains the skin expert and dermatologist, Dr. Anny Cohen Letessier.
After crow's feet wrinkles, these are some of the first wrinkles to mark the skin. They can make your face appear sad when in reality, you feel fine.

As Dr. Anny Cohen Letessier explains: "As women reach the age of around 30, they tend to talk about their expression rather than their wrinkles. They may look sad, resentful, anxious or stressed, although they are totally relaxed. I think this is their main concern at the time! The chief cause of this sad expression are vertical wrinkles like the frown line."
It’s a feeling that often intensifies from the age of 40 onwards, when the acceleration of the aging process occurs and women tend to multiply their efforts to challenge it.

Frown line: solutions to slow its appearance

At any age, hydration of the face is essential in order to ensure the skin’s elasticity, and ultimately to limit the appearance of expressive wrinkles lines such as the frown line. For this purpose, nothing beats a serum enriched with Hyaluronic Acid.
This powerful ingredient comes into two forms: fragmented and high molecular weight. Fragemented Hyaluronic Acid is in the form of smaller particles and this formulatory prowess allows better penetration of the living layer of the epidermis.
Does this have a benefit for skin? It sure does, as the anti-aging effect is amplified for correcting wrinkles and improving skin elasticity. The high molecular form of Hyaluronic Acid is however also important in the formula as it allows the visible plumping effect. 
From aged thirty onwards, this facial care regime can help ward off the formation of wrinkles on the forehead. Say farewell to this fatigued appearance that you never knew during your twenties!

Frown line: solutions for correction... once it has appeared on the forehead

Forties are that time of life where the skin faces the inevitability of aging and finds it increasingly difficult to recover. The figures are the proof: an "aged skin" takes 5 times longer to recover than younger skin*. On your face, this translates into skin that is more marked by the signs of aging  in the evening than the morning upon waking, and most of all, deeper wrinkles as the day ends.  

"Women may find the frown line on the forehead embarrassing when it no longer smooths out, even when the face is at rest. This phenomenon is linked to the repetition of muscle contractions associated with the progressive loss of skin density, and the flattening of the dermal-epidermal junction," reminds us Anny Cohen Letessier.

The good news is that a more targeted treatment can help to mitigate this stubborn problem. Opt for a real cocktail of anti-aging ingredients that help the skin's layers to regenerate. Look for plumping and smoothing agents, found within a global anti-aging treatment, with the capacity to correct the effects of skin aging such as the frown line.

The ideal routine: Start the day by refreshing the skin with a toner and then treat it with the anti-aging efficacy of a serum that is capable of targeting the 10 major signs of aging. And of course, follow up with your day cream.

The expert’s tip to counter frown lines: the 3-minute daily facial gym.

INSIDE-IMG-WHAT-CAN-BE-DONE-TO-FIGHT-AGAINST-FROWN-AND-FOREHEAD-LINESPerform successive pinch-like movements with your thumb and index fingers (very gently !), moving upwards from the nose area to the forehead’s center.
Continue with a taut gliding movement from the forehead towards the temple.

Repeat the gesture six times, with the forehead gliding movement three times per side.

* Skin Knowledge Study by L'Oréal Research, 2015.

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