Life Style

The secret to true beauty might be less complicated than you thought.

Taking things slow, letting go of negativity, making time for yourself, saying no to living life at 100 miles an hour... For those of us looking to deal with the pressures of modern living, it's best to keep things simple.

Beauty, diet, health, wellbeing: discover our tips for accepting, achieving and adopting a holistic approach to your daily life.


Introducing the collagen diet.

Yes, you can eat your way to boost this vital skin protein.    
Collagen, the essential skin protein. The invisible support structure keeping skin firm, plump and young from the inside-out and the outside-in. The protein whose decline is regulated like a timer.  Every year, from our late twenties, skin will lose it at a rate of 1%* (1) since its production slows down. But this happens even faster if we over-eat foods that accelerate this natural 1% decline.  To find out how much the foods that pass our lips impact the collagen in our skin, read on.

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Life Style

The perfect 5-minute morning yoga routine

Looking to start your day with a little more energy? Us too! To help us beat the morning blues, we asked Paris-based yoga expert Anna Khuade for her tips on incorporating yoga into our daily routine.

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